Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Are we paying full attention to CAUSE ... HEED WELL THE PLEA...

Nature responds with skies fair, with skies storming, overcast with clouds hiding the sun, ever changing, ever giving over to the night, and a dawning new. Does it remember the turmoil, the devastation, the loss, brought forth in the wake of a storm? Or does it simply do what it is charged to do to bring forth a balance we have yet to understand? Are we not of similar behavior? Have we not 'stormed' in response to injustices, suppression, violation of balance, ignorance of prevailing need? Have we not violated the waters, seas, oceans, rivers, streams by dumping what is destructive to the growth and survival of sea life, both animal and plant?

Just as we, when ill may run a fever, so too, when the ocean waters are overrun by pollution, it becomes 'feverish' and does what it must to cleanse, to flood, to clear, so that the suffocation we bring to our waters can cease. How fresh the air is, how bright the sun is, how clear the skies, after a storm. A PAUSE .... yes, we are then faced with the aftermath of the 'feverish' high cresting waves, the flood waters, the strong winds, and what was destroyed. Are we not to fully grasp that Earth is the dwelling place, the bounty provider, the majestic expression of Creation that ultimately serves our survival and wellbeing?

Are we not to grasp that there is an intelligence to creation that is yet to be understood, yet to be fully respected. 'Quick and Easy' has proven to be mindless of the consequences of toxins, pesticides, food additives, artificial ingredients, artificial preservatives on the health, growth and development of our children, the safety of our homes and gardens, our fields, our farms, our cities, our BEING. Headlines, News Flashes, are reflective of the mayhem, the mismanagement, the misguided who become the 'shooters,' the lies, that create ongoing liabilities, loss of life, liberty, peace.

Mother Earth is storming, screaming, raging, not to destroy, but to balance..,. We are to know how to listen to her instruction... We are to appreciate that we are equally responsive to change, to insult, to destruction, to frequencies that are interfering with the ambient, natural communication of all living systems. There is a natural order that we are NOT to defy in the name of progress. It is beckoning for our discernment, for our respect, for our reverent acknowledgment. We as individuals, family, community, state, nation, universe, are to BE attendant to the call of the Earth, to the call of Humanity, to the call of wellness and wellbeing, to the call of TRUTH.. to the Plea for PEACE.


Rose Marie Raccioppi
APOGEE Paradigm™

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

USA FLAG DAY ~ June 14, 2022~ Ever to FLY FREE...


Betsy Ross 1777, a ca. 1920 depiction by artist Jean Leon Gerome Ferris of Ross showing Gen. George Washington (seated, left), Robert Morris and George Ross how she cut the revised five-pointed stars for the flag.
In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened on that day in 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress.
On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress, seeking to promote national pride and unity, adopted the national flag. "Resolved: that the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation."
As a grade school student in New York City I played the role of Betsy Ross in a school play honoring the Flag of the United States of America and the meaning of Freedom. Yes, stitch by stitch I sewed white stars on the deep blue background. When then I would look to the sky and see the brilliant light of stars, I smiled knowing we were meant to be free, to shine anew.

F L A G... be it the call to Freedom, Love, Aspiration, Grace... in all ways blessed..

Rose Marie Raccioppi

Tuesday, May 31, 2022



I, from the time I was able to say the word WHY, to this very moment, WHY stands as my ongoing question. As a student of science, it was a called for exploration. it was a word basic to the understanding, of CAUSE and EFFECT. It brought one to understand the underlying principles of form, of structure, of function. The WHY became the exploration within the sciences, within the arts, within the consciousness of Life and BEING.
There was ever the search for the WHY, for CAUSE and EFFECT, be it in biology, physics, chemistry, psychology, physiology, quantum physics, mathematics, geometry... ever the pursuit of the WHY. As a professional master educator since 1960, as an Educational Consultant/Therapist, in private practice since 1983, as a proclaimed Woman of Distinction in 2021, WHY has not ceased to drive me to search, to explore and to discover relationships of CAUSE and EFFECT.

With the NEWS of those plagued with substance abuse, with addictions, with suicides, we are to understand the pain and come forth with viable understanding and support. 

The WHY resounds ever so loudly when hearing of a 'shooter' who has brought merciless loss of innocent life. We are charged to ask WHY... charged to be more fully aware of the WHY ... charged to become knowing of CAUSE, so as to initiate, put in place, and sustain that which can offset a consequential, problematic, hurtful, regretful, horrific, EFFECT!

In the name of care, in the name of concern, in the name of resolution, in the name of protection, in the name of PREVENTION, our children, our youth, deserve our commitment, our understanding, our action, our care. YES, we are to ask, WHY? WHY? WHY?

Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Learning Enhancement Training Systems™

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

To Our Eternal PRESENCE

To Our Eternal PRESENCE
There was an embrace of God's love, this at our first breath, there was celebration at our birth, marvel at our first smile, at the hand that clutched onto another, at our first word, at our first step, at all we reached out for, of all that we explored and expressed in wonderment, in joy, Soon, with nurturance and care, we become walking, speaking, expressive, participatory, selective, a SELF responsive to moment to moment need, quest, and an inner vision, be it real or imagined.
As the years came forth we became the toddler, the youngster, the teen, the young adult, the adult, the senior. The need for validation, purpose, care, nurturance, calls onto its self as a constant, life onto life onto life. Let us remember that in one's latter years, as in one's younger days, the child within has an everlasting life that we are to hold in reverent care. Yes, the miracle, the marvel, the wonderment, the joy, be it known from our first breath to our last, to our Eternal Presence.
Rose Marie Raccioppi

A response:
  • Carl Hanson
    People are awakening. Aware of themselves. the baby looking at its hands as you’ve so eloquently stated the realization of self amongst everything else that exists.
    • Love
    • Reply
    • 1h
  • Rose Marie Raccioppi
    Carl Hanson ~ Thank YOU . and to All...
    When one and all come to deeply understand and appreciate the SELF is of time, experience, of the bounty and gifts of MOTHER EARTH, the need for pause, for breath, for attenuation, will be understood as primordial. More discernment will come forth before there is the use of chemicals, toxins, manipulations of seed and food. The Cymatics of our Being, Our Earth, of Life itself, will be held sacred, and so there will be non acceptance of the pollution of our air, of our water, of our Planet, of that which we deem SELF.
    This our mission possible ðŸŒ€
    A Cymatic Practitioner of the Analogue Generation



P E A C E ... be it of 
                                                Ease ... 

that serves, that nourishes, that supports supernal blessings of BEING. Be it of a state, a presence, of harmony that beholds self, and our gift of time called life. Be it the giving, the receiving, the attenuation that allows the inhalation, the exhalation, the ebb and flow, the pause, 
the breath of BEING... of MOTHER EARTH, of SELF.

APOGEE Paradigm™

Wednesday, May 4, 2022



~ click on image for fuller view ~

To all who visit: ❤
There are times, periods within each lifetime, that we are called upon to pause. To deeply observe the relationship between cause and effect. This may be brought about by a loss, an illness, an accident, a decision, or following direction that may not truly be in our own best interest.
We are here offered a choice. Do we become the victim of the presenting circumstances, losing faith, being besieged with doubt, confusion, and vulnerability, or do we, as does the Eagle, rise above the storm, lifted to new heights of power and liberation?
A series of events, misguided direction, a pandemic, have brought forth a call to pause, to soar above the storm. To LOVE.. To RESOLVE ... Here posted in jpg form if you wish to print, preserve, share ❤

All with love,
APOGEE Paradigm™

Monday, April 25, 2022

The Deliverance ~ Child of the LIGHT...

The Deliverance ~ Child of the LIGHT...
A presentation in delivery and the comment, 'You were outstanding, you filled the auditorium with such power and light."
An explanation is put forth on the role of our subconscious in our everyday encounters. The response, WOW! you certainly put light on this subject, NOW, I get it."
THOTH, in ancient teachings, tells us that 'light bears truth." Are we not disciples of the light, when we seek illumination, clarity, and truth?
As I embrace each letter of the word LIGHT, it calls to a mission defined for me when 7 years of age... As a chid of the light, ever be it known you are to beacon ... Love, I AM, Grace, Harmony, Truth... and so it IS ~ Inspired Spirit.
"That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above,
and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below,
to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing."
The Emerald Tablet of THOTH
Tablet 11
The Key to Above and Below
"List ye, now to my voice and become
greater than common man.
Lift thine eyes upward,
let Light fill thy being,
be thou ever Children of Light.
Only by effort shall ye grow upward to
the plane where Light is the All of the All.
Be ye the master of all that surrounds thee.
Never be mastered by the effects of thy life.
Create then ever more perfect causes
and in time shalt thou be a Sun of the Light
Free, let thine soul soar ever upward,
free from the bondage and fetters of night.
Lift thine eyes to the Sun in the sky-space.
For thee, let it be a symbol of life.
Know that thou art the Greater Light,
perfect in thine own sphere,
when thou art free.
Look not ever into the blackness.
Lift up thine eyes to the space above.
Free let thine Light flame upward
and shalt thou be a Child of the Light."

Complexities and mayhem are borne of the shadows that obscure the light... the doctrines of TRUTH and LIGHT beckon to be known for they are primal SOURCE. 
Society has advanced in its technology, and yet we are engulfed in toxins, poisons, GMO manipulation of our foods, invasive frequencies, that have shadowed our everyday existence, have brought forth diseases that now have come to plague our youth, threaten wildlife, and continue to violate the sanctity of Mother Earth. 
We are to take counsel from ancient writings, scripture, and the intelligence of CREATION... There is no solace in technology that destroys the GOOD, and looses sight of the call to LIGHT. 
At 84 years of age, I have lived through and witnessed World War !!, and all the subsequent wars that have come to be, come to pass, come to be again and again. I have lived personally the ravages of cancer, the journey back to health and wellbeing, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and soon to be a great-grandmother. I am not innocent to life, and its myriad of challenges that beckon for understanding and resolve. YET, I hold true to the spirit and the gift of LIFE itself. May we in ways known, embrace the gift of S E L F ... as that of Spirit, Exchange, Love, Freedom ... 
APOGEE Paradigm™

Light Be Known, Image, ©Rose Marie Raccioppi, APOGEE Vibrational Art, 2013.