Sunday, August 30, 2020


Nature responds with skies fair, with skies storming, overcast with clouds hiding the sun, ever changing, ever giving over to the night, and a dawning new. Does it remember the turmoil, the devastation, the loss, brought forth in the wake of a storm? Or does it simply do what it is charged to do to bring forth a balance we have yet to understand? Are we not of similar behavior? Have we not 'stormed' in response to injustices, suppression, violation of balance, ignorance of prevailing need? Have we not violated the waters, seas, oceans, rivers, streams by dumping what is destructive to the growth and survival of sea life, both animal and plant? 

Just as we, when ill may run a fever, so too, when the ocean waters are overrun by pollution, it becomes 'feverish' and does what it must to cleanse, to flood, to clear, so that the suffocation we bring to our waters can cease. How fresh the air is, how bright the sun is, how clear the skies, after a storm. A PAUSE .... yes, we are then faced with the aftermath of the 'feverish' high cresting waves, the flood waters, the strong winds, and what was destroyed. Are we not to fully grasp that Earth is the dwelling place, the bounty provider, the majestic expression of Creation that ultimately serves our survival and wellbeing?
Are we not to grasp that there is an intelligence to creation that is yet to be understood, yet to be fully respected. 'Quick and Easy' has proven to be mindless of the consequences of toxins, pesticides, food additives, artificial ingredients, artificial preservatives on the health, growth and development of our children.
Mother Earth is storming, screaming, raging, not to destroy, but to balance..,. We are to know how to listen to her instruction... One with the call of the Earth, One with the respect of its need.

Heed well the plea.
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Paradigm

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