Thursday, October 22, 2020

What Are We To Learn From Pandemic 2020? What be this call to HOLISM?

We are presented with increasing numbers of our populace, nationally and globally, testing positive for COVID-19, continued hospitalizations, continued deaths. What are we to learn from Pandemic 2020?
Have we learned that domination by destruction defies the very laws and warnings of Nature? Are we ready to respect anew the natural order of life, the balance it holds to, the sacred intelligence that guides the very interplay of all life? Are we willing to honor what we have yet to know, yet to do, yet to understand to bring forth a global healing?
As I work with those who deeply understand that breath is life itself, appreciate process, revere pattern, and the marvel of the knowing intelligence of the body, miracles of health and wellbeing newly emerge.
Just as a new bloom comes from a nurtured seed so too, the body becomes newly engaged in the consciousness of balance and wellbeing. Is it profoundly simple. integrate breath with intention, with the very call to self made known by pain, trauma, organ dysfunction, illness, disease.

An emergent understanding of HOLISM, the body as breath, is beckoning to be known.

The theory that parts of a whole are in intimate interconnection, such that they cannot exist independently of the whole, or cannot be understood without reference to the whole, which is thus regarded as greater than the sum of its parts.

The treating of the whole person, taking into account mental, emotional, environmental,  and social factors, rather than just the physical symptoms of a disease.

1920s: from holo- ‘whole’ + -ism; coined by J. C. Smuts to designate the tendency in nature to produce organized “wholes” (bodies or organisms) from the ordered grouping of units. 
(Source: Goggle Search)

Yes, we are parts, yet an integrated whole. To respect the whole, we are to be mindful of the structure,  form and functions of the parts, to respect the parts we are to appreciate their structure, form and functions in creating the whole. HOLISM is the art and science of respect for the knowing intelligence of  Nature and Creation.

Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
Personal Empowerment Specialist
APOGEE Paradigm™
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
All inquiries welcomed ~ All questions answered
Call for an appointment:
Rockland County, New York : 845-359-9056

For further reference to Jan Christian Smuts and His Doctrine of Holism:

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